Handing over the Babylonian Talmud treaties, Qiddushìn and Chaghigà, to the President of the Italian Republic
Yesterday, February 3, 2021, during a meeting at the Quirinal Palace were donated by the Chairman of the Talmud Translation Project
Babylonian, Rav Riccardo Di Segni and by the Director of the Project, Prof. Clelia Piperno, the newly published treatises of the Talmud
Babylonian Talmud in Italian recently published, Qiddushìn and Chaghigà, to the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio
Mattarella and in the presence of the Minister of University and Research, Prof. Gaetano Manfredi.
The two treatises, published by the Giuntina publishing house, represent the continuum of a complex and articulate work of
translation, which continues with success and determination, made possible by the fundamental support of all the institutions
involved. The richness of each individual volume translated into Italian is a precious legacy for all peoples and generations
“New dawn…like a balloon rising as we let it loose.” [A. Gorman, The Hill We Climb].
The closeness and gratitude to the Project expressed during the meeting by the President of the Republic are for us confirmation
and a source of pride for the activity carried out and the dedication with which we face this important challenge: to bring the success
of Italian genius to the world.